project epilouge

It’s time to sum up my work for one of the biggest companies and employers in Northern Ireland.
As you may have read in my previous posts, I worked on a rather big project as the sole programmer. This way I had the chance to re-evaluate my knowledge in software engineering and (again) learn what’s important in a project like that.

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The last Irish weekend is over – Nooooooooo

This is the beginning of the end of our world we build during the last seven weeks…

Here an article about the end of the world, which started two days ago. It says something about 200m people who simply disappear out of our minds. Well I don’t care because I forgot who I forgot.

Nevertheless our last weekend in Ireland is now over but it is not like we did nothing.

„The last Irish weekend is over – Nooooooooo“ weiterlesen

What do I do at work?

Hi folks,

yesterday I met Patrick and Mr Weigelt in a pub in Templebar. We discussed our internship, the companies, the Irish mentality and the prices of food and beer. Mr Weigelt asked me if it would be possible to visit me today. Unfortunately my supervisor is in France at the moment so I had to deny. Not a problem because due to this he has more time to visit Dublin and surroundings. But one thing he said stayed in my mind: We write too much about our free time activities and too little about our working experience. I checked and have to admit that he is absolutely right. So I will give you an overview of my work:

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Once again a weekend passed too fast

Hi folks,

it was mentioned a few times already but I will say it again:  our supervisors from Germany visited us last week. They came to check our apartments and our companies – however I got no visitor – neither at work nor at home. I expected that because my company is somewhere in the middle of nowhere and I was really late at home on the day they checked our apartments.

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