The first weekend and some overall thoughts

Today I thought about writing about the whole weekend, since it was, in my opinion, not enough to fill one whole article with one day. Thus I’ll start with Saturday, where we were at the St. George’s Market. It is, as the name already says, a rather big market where you can buy fresh made food, some art or jewellery and even meat that is brought fresh from the local farms. The whole market is in a big open building sou you can walk around rather freely.


As we walked through the market we got hungry, so some of us had a freshly made burger that tasted just so wonderfully great, if I would have had the space I would have eaten another one of those beauties.


Later on me and Rene saw a market stall with fresh tea in many delicious tasting varieties. I know I have like 10 different types of tea waiting at home, but I just couldn’t resist. They smelled so good and the shopkeeper had a special offer with a excellent tasting tea.


After we bought our tea we split up and I went with Dominik M and Max to their place to watch some movies and enjoy the weekend. And that was mostly my Saturday .


Sunday was even more relaxing. Dominik B went for some portal chasing all across Belfast and i stayed home and prepared some tasks for work for tomorrow. In the later evening Dom came back and Rene with him. We talked a it about what we wanted to do in the upcoming weekends and what he thinks about our first week here.

And so I am here siting, writing this article and knowing the time here will be unique and that I need to take every opportunity to make the best out of the chance that was given to us.