27-30 March 2023 at the Freie Universität Berlin.
Remaining places for PhD researcher participants are very limited.
We have a few remaining places for Berlin-based PhD researchers.
Please email l.drury@fu-berlin.de if you wish to partake.
The spring school creates a forum for critical engagement with the aesthetic, social, and theoretical dimensions of digital media and methods. As it is clear that digital research approaches transgress the disciplinary lines that separate the arts, sciences, and humanities, this spring school brings scholars together to address that fact directly. The spring school thus incorporates, for example, mathematical approaches to time and human societies, artistic approaches to archives, humanistic research, and concepts of history, and humanities approaches to data, aesthetics, and exhibition. Over the course of four days, PhD researchers can explore how digital innovation can upgrade their own projects-in-development. Moreover, the interdisciplinary spring school also has the potential to innovate digital research methods in turn.
The Spring School co-organizers are Lindsey Drury, Tony Fisher (LAHP), Dennis Mischke, Ramona Mosse, and Marcus Weber, as well as Thematic Einstein Forum organisational team.
The forum is organized within the framework of the Berlin Mathematics Research Center MATH+ in collaboration with the EXC 2020 “Temporal Communities” and supported by the Einstein Foundation Berlin. We are committed to fostering an atmosphere of respect, collegiality, and sensitivity. Please read our MATH+ Collegiality Statement.