18 February 2022, 1.00-8.30 pm CET
1.00 – 1.15 pm On-site Reception
1.15 – 1.30 pm Welcome and Opening (Prof. Dr. Claudia Liebelt, FU Berlin)
1.30 – 3.30 pm Panel Session 1
Caring for Skin: Relational Becomings, Therapeutic Encounters and Journeys of Healing
Chair: Anne Kukuczka (FU Berlin)
Severin Penger (FU Berlin): From Stigma to Panacea? ‘Healing Wounds’ or Tattooing as (Self-) Therapy in Naples
Heather Mellquist Lehto (Arizona State University): Skinship: Relationality and Skin Microbiopolitics
Wai Lok NG: Lost in Experimentation: Skin as the Embodied Contested Site of Biomedical and Alternative Medicines through an Autobiographical Account of Eczema Healing Journey
Discussant: Sinah Kloß (University of Bonn)
3.30 – 4.00 pm Break
4.00 – 6.00 pm Panel Session 2
Skin at Work: Erotic Performances, Skin (Colour) Politics and Art Practices
Chair: Severin Penger (FU Berlin)
Suvi Lensu (University of Edinburgh): I Search ‘how to make my skin white’ – Cosmopolitan Beauty Practices amongst Rwandan Migrant Sex Workers
Diana Mignano (University of Bayreuth): “Exposing for flirting”: skin and female erotic performance in the construction of intimate relationships in northern Madagascar
Matthew Raj Webb (New York Unversity): Mediating Skin
Discussant: Katyayani Dalmia (University of Zurich)
6.00 – 7.00 pm Break
7.00 – 8.30 pm Public Keynote Address „Skin Memories of War“ by Prof. Thuy Linh Tu (New York University)
Introduction & moderation by Anne Kukuczka and Claudia Liebelt
For registered participants, the film Retouch, directed by Matthew R. Webb (2021, 19 min.) will be available for viewing as part of the workshop. The film will be available to view from one day before the conference to one day after.