Ife & Connaisseurship

I held my first presentation about african art. I thought long about scanning the pictures I got but eventually settled on photographing them with my grandfather’s canon ixus for best resolution. Also, I took some screenshots of a video. It turned out quite good, the prof even asked me for my presentation. So I guess the extra work was fine.
For some reason I can only be satisfied with my work if I get positive feedback. During research, I often talk with my partner about it. I guess it annoys him from time to time since he is from natural sciences, but he gives me precious new thoughts and opinions on my often very specific subjects. Sometimes, he seems to be proud of me, but I cannot quite trust his pride of my work. What I miss is positive feedback from someone I assume has some connaisseurship. I found it strange. I attended a lecture of one of my most adored professors this week. he talked about connaisseurship as well, and the significance of argueing within your field of study with people from your cultural area. He even went further narrowing it on the same linguistic area.
On my research on Ife, I recongnized even now there are VERY FEW africans writing about their own art.
One of the names I recognized was Ekpo EYO.
„Ekpo Eyo was the second Nigerian archaeologist and became Director of Antiquities in the mid-1960s…“ [https://www.jstor.org/pss/1160622] but then, he got his grade from Maryland, USA.
I think I should look up several other names that crossed my way and also check the Nigerian Univeristies website. I hope theres a department for Art History. I really hope so…

PS: I was at the doctor’s today. I had to fill out a form about fear and social interactions. I answered honestly. I guess I can be officially described as a panicy misanthrope now. But guess what, I feel okay with that. Sometimes, staying away from everyone does me better than forcing myself to be merrily around people, and I consider myself „too imaginative“ instead of panicy… Well. Whatever. Hello Mrs Salander.