The Bottle Decoration Event


The second event of our campaign is The Bootle Decoration Event, our aim of this event is to remind people, that that little bottle has used up about a quarter of its volume in oil to be produced, has likely traveled a long way and will take centuries to decompose. So why not paint it, reuse it and give it a long and happy life?

So we invited most of our mates at the university so that we could decorate the bottles and of course, to celebreate the coming Christmas together with delicious lebkuchens and biscuits! The event took place at an unique moment, 12:12:12 at 12/12/12 in our institute!

Poster of our event, quite lovely, isn’t it?

Here is a shot of our painting tools with the traditional german lebkuchen before we get started! 


Tada!! Here’s what we got at last! It’s really hard to tell which bottle is the best looking one, well, they seemed to be much more adorable when they were used by you! 😉 By the way: our paint is totally waterproof, so you can refill your bottle artwork over and over and over… instead of buying new ones all the time! Do you also feel a little itchy on your fingers to creat your own bottle?


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