The Creation of our Mission Statement

A mission statement was essential for our Facebook page, for our WordPress blog and, of course, for this documentation blog. The Strategists prepared it after we had already made some progress with our project and the main focus had been put to the awareness aspect and the water fountain idea.

This is it:

Mission statement:


Who are we?
We are a group of international students from Berlin and Missoula (USA) who, in the context of our Social media and Global Change class want to spread the word that drinking tap water offers many advantages compared to bottled water!


What do we want?
  1. We want to raise awareness on the environmmental, economical and social advantages of drinking tap water instead of bottled water.
  2. We want you to start drinking tap water instead of buying bottles because it’s just as good or even better, and we´ll prove it. So spread the word and make a change.
  3. We want to catch the attention of the Freie University of Berlin in order to get water fountains installed on our campus. Let´s make it together!

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