Why Not Drink Tap Water?

Here is the Berlin group’s “manifesto”.


“Why Not Drink Tap Water?”

  1. We are a group of individuals who strive to challenge the marketing muscle of bottled-water corporations who have tried to convince us that the only place to get clean and safe water is from a bottle.
  2. Access to water has long been recognized as essential for realizing the most basic human right. In line with the UN General Assembly’s historic resolution (2010) which affirmed the human right to water, we hope to contribute to a greater good through our campaign.
  3. Transporting bottled water across hundreds and sometimes thousands of miles spews carbon dioxide into the air and contributes to climate change. In addition, for each gallon of water bottled in a PET container, two gallons are wasted in the making of the plastic bottle and the bottling process.
  4. The tap water in Berlin (the main focus of our campaign) is perfectly healthy, tastes good, and is free!

Based on these (political, financial, environmental) issues, we strongly believe that every individual can make a difference by making a responsible lifestyle choice. Therefore, we raise the following question: “Why not drink tap water?”


This manifesto covers all the issues we had discussed in connection with the tap water issue, from human rights to the environment and our local focus Berlin. It is the result of an intensive discussion process. The “Why not drink tap water?” message has become sort of a motto, which is repeated in the videos, several photos etc.

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