“Popular Culture as a Starting Point of the Global: an example of Ibero-American literature at the turn of the twentieth century”
9 July
Presented in Panel 3: “Temporalities of the Global”, moderated by Anna Degler. 14:00-16:30 (Berlin time).
Even though the concept of “world literature” was coined by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in his famous letters to Johann Eckermann in 1827, at present it refers to the literary works that are translated in many languages and technologies, which allows them to circulate re-signified in different contexts from their countries of origin. The reach of the concept as it was defined by Goethe was the norm for the development of the literary studies of the xix century and of the first half of the xx century, but from the second half of the xx century until the present day, multiple possibilities have opened to think world literature in different globalization contexts and in relation to the different cultural processes which have taken place in European, African or American countries, also taking into account the specificities of North and South America.
As a contribution to this Panel “Temporalities of the Global” I suggest giving a particular example of the constitution not just of “world literature” but of “worlds of literature” from the analysis of the phenomenon of the printed popular literature which was disseminated in the Ibero-American environment in the last decades of the XIX century and the early decades of the XX century.
Hundreds of thousands of booklets and loose sheets were published on this and the other side of the Atlantic Ocean at a moment when the young nations of the Americas were starting to go through their postcolonial stage, in territories inhabited by migrants coming from diverse cultures and languages who fought to adapt to modernity and progress, without forgetting their belonging to the western culture canon.
Introduction by Anna Degler, Postdoctoral Researcher RA 2 “Travelling Matters”

Gloria Chicote holds a Ph.D. in Literature from Buenos Aires University, with the Thesis Procesos de oralidad y escritura en el romancero tradicional argentino. She has been professor of Medieval and Renaissance Spanish Literature in La Plata University since 1993. She belongs to the CONICET as full researcher. Since 2013 she is Director of the Instituto de Investigaciones en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (IdIHCS, CONICET-UNLP).
Her research focuses on the traditional Spanish literature from the Middle Age to the 20th century, especially the Spanish balladry. Much of her recent work engages questions of how culturally significant issues are encoded in literature discourses. She is particularly interested in how aesthetic values and practices influence, and are affected by, the life of a society.
She was DAAD fellow in 1997, Spain Foreign Ministry fellow in 2000, and Alexander von Humboldt Foundation fellow in 2003. She published 18 books, wrote more than 100 articles and chapters, attended conferences and gave several lectures in Spain, Germany, France, Italy, England, Portugal, Brazil, Mexico and Colombia.
She is Vice-president of the Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas (2016-22), and edits the journal Olivar. Revista de Literatura y Cultura Españolas since 2000.
Since 2017 she is Principal Investigator of the International Centre Maria Sybilla Merian (Mecila), devoted to the study of Humanities and Social Sciences in Latin America.
Latest Books:
2017. Transiciones inciertas: archivos, conocimientos y transformación digital en América Latina, Barbara Göbel y Gloria Chicote, eds., La Plata : Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación.
IdIHCS; Berlín: Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut, 376 pp.
2017. Buenos Aires – Madrid – Buenos Aires. Homenaje a Melchora Romanos, Florencia Calvo y Gloria Chicote, compiladoras, Buenos Aires, Eudeba, 2017, 765
pp. ISBN 978-950-23-2794-5
2014. Redes intelectuales en América Latina: Los universos letrado y popular en la primera mitad del siglo XX. Gloria Chicote ed., Rosario, Prohistoria.
2014. Cuentos del más allá. Relatos folklóricos argentinos. Gloria Chicote y Cecilia Natoli (eds.), Buenos Aires-La Plata: Eudeba-Edulp.
2012. Romancero, introducción, compilación y notas, Gloria Chicote, Buenos Aires: Colihue. ISBN 978 950 563 070 7. 312 pp.
2011. Ideas viajeras y sus objetos: el intercambio científico entre Alemania y América austral, Gloria Chicote y Barbara Göbel, eds., Madrid-Frankfurt,Iberoamericana Vervuert, Biblioteca Ibero-Americana, 146, IAI-Berlín, 356 pp.
ISBN 978-3-86527-689-6.
2008. Voces de tinta. Estudio preliminar y antología comentada de Folklore Argentino (1905) de Robert Lehmann-Nitsche, en coautoría con Miguel A. García,Berlín – La Plata, Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut- Edulp. ISBN 978-950-34- 0497-3.
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