6 Anfragen

  1. Grandma, Mama, daughter need a shelter from the 24.04.
  2. Family of 3: mom + 2 boys (12 and 14 years old) for 3 days from the 26.04 on. In Berlin
  3. Family of 7: 4 sisters + 3 children (between 10-12 years old): from 23.04 for at least 2 weeks.
  4. Mom + Dad + 7 years old kid. From the 24.04 for at least 2 weeks
  5. Man with disabilities (mobility issues) who need an accessibility place to stay… from ZOB, Berlin or brandenburg
  6. 2 families of four (all females, 3 generations) looking for a long term accommodation, anywhere from the 25.04.


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