new work ahead

what i should be officially working on in the next few months…

before xmas:
– max imdahl: seated buddha (finish)
– p. m. of „visionen vom weltende“
– dec 18th „bodhi day“ party

early 2010:
– 役者絵の歌舞伎 (again…)
– 분청사기 and my tea bowl
– geeta kapur/ amrita sher-gil and „westernization“ of indian art

– search a topic on post-1949-china. maybe tea-linked? i saw a nice book on the social impact of 茶馆 in china, but where… eh… :\
– write the korean tea ceremony book review
– yixing… 宜兴? what’s a yixing pot? what kind of kettles are else there?
– get a %&§$ing job!!!

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