some notes

gaijin in kimono. a difficult topic.
women sewing all night and day to compress their bodies in selfmade victorian corsets. same thing.

i believe you can take a thing and develop it into something new.
my new obsession is kanzashi (hair ornaments), especially the type びらびら簪 bira bira kanzashi (dangling ones).
i would love to get the chance possessing one. same thing with victorian garment, i love the looks, i would also love to touch and feel it… but going out wearing that? no way.
authenticity is not my main focus. i don’t like making fun out of people playing with authenticity because i see no point in that, people always took traditions and developed them into something new, until those eventually became tradtional looks, and so forth… as we live, we’re already part of history.

still, seeing pictures of those women gives me similar shivers as when i’m at the museum.
i am very thankful i was born in the 21st century, and even if there was some time machine, i would not even dare going 30 years back in time.

fashion of every couleur is pleasurable to look at for me,
the items i like to wear are usually of one kind: plain and simple. when i was younger, i broke that unwritten rule sometimes; but for now, i like a non-distracting, reduced style on myself best.

making tsumami kanzashi

a very lovely piece

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