This book made my day. It’s the 2005 german translation of 『한국미의 조명 (An Exploration of Korean Aesthetic Beauty)』, 1999 by Cho Yo-Han 조요한 . It’s worth a look if you’re into transcultural aspects of theoretical art history with a focus on Korea. Besides giving a good overlook on European Art History theorems, it introduces Korean thought on Art History. The German translation is astonishingly well written and easy to read (but hard to truly understand, which I prefer over the other way round). It’s 278 pages and I got it for €19,80 from the publisher.
A newer work concentrating on Cho’s life and accomplishments can be found here, 『연구 논문 : 조요한 예술철학 연구 시론영문제목 (A Preliminary Research for Yohan Zoh’s Philosophy of Art)』, 2010 by Lee In-Beom 이인범.