Corsetry II

So, my last post introduced the question why and since when people started wearing undergarment on top of outergarment, especially the corset.

First, I want to make clear what is in my opinion out of this question:
Wearing a corset in tradition of costume history
Below garment, fe. a dress:
Marriage gowns, like of the louche grande dame and known corset-lover Dita Van Teese
Vintage Clothing. As a reference, a genuine photograph approximately taken around 1900,
Museum Display in Fairbanks Dress, ca.1900
Re-Enactment as seen here, 1890ies.

As part of lingerie/underwear, worn with a Chemise
As seen in many Costume Movies, sometimes accurate, sometimes not: Elisabeth Swann/Pirates of the Carribean (Mrs Swanns Corset would most likely not have caused her fainting)

Further Dessous,

Erotica/Fetish Photography

An Exception being displays for Fashion Photography/Advertisement (fe. Corset Manufacturers), for obvious promotional reasons
1874, „Thomsons Underthings“
2002 until to-day, To.Mto Berlin

Whereas part of that question is the
„new“ fashion of wearing the corset on top:

Vintage Fashion with a modern twist (made by a corset enthuisiast)
This could be taken even further away, as seen here and here (resembling a „vintage taste“ now, rather than taking „genuine vintage“ references)
Typical Goth Girl Party Outfit

Many pictures of famous Gothic Music Icons show that new fashion:
Amy Lee/Evanescence
Both are rather „fashion corsets“ than actual corsets for waist reduction. The second one might be with steel bone but the back’s most definately not closed.

I found another way of wearing underwear on top of outerwear
Wave Gothic Gathering (German: WGT) at Leipzig
2008 wearing lace hipsters (or sometimes boyshorts) on top of pantyhose (or nylons) – this also shows the mode à la françoise, wearing the garter underneath the pantyhose (well, at least one? of them. Why this became a „french“ fashion I leave to the wild imagination of the dear reader!)

I asked in two forums, one specialized on Gothic Fashion and one for Corset Enthuisiasts, why people would wear a corset on top. As far as I can conclude, many were not even aware of the fact that a corset was underwear once.

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