Mirror, mirror on the wall…


Adel Abdessemed, "Soccer Ball", 2009
Adel Abdessemed, "Soccer Ball", 2009
Adel Abdessemed, "Soccer ball", 2009


Adel Abdessemed, "Usine", 2008

„The work that has people furious is Usine, a 1:27-minute color video made in Mexico depicting a bunch of different animal and insect species thrown together into a pen: We see fighting roosters, snakes, pit bulls, tarantulas, iguanas, white mice, scorpions, and one toad.“ Quote

Huang Yongping, "Theatre of the World", 1993
Huang Yongping, "Theatre of the World", 1993

„Theatre of the World (1993), a turtle-shaped cage containing live tarantulas, scorpions, millipedes, geckos, crickets and small snakes, is a miniature gladiators’ arena for a Darwinian battle of survival. This enduring Taoist demonstration of non-intervention (albeit in a contrived situation of his own creation) is at the core of Huang’s vision.“ Quote

„Is Theater of the World an insect zoo? A test site where various species of the natural world devour one another? A space for observing the activity of “insects”? An architectural form as a closed system? A cross between a panopticon and the shamanistic practice of keeping insects? A metaphor for the conflicts among different peoples and cultures? Or, rather, a modern representation of the ancient Chinese character gǔ [蛊/蠱]?“

—Huang Yongping


Adel Abdessemed, "Mehr Licht", 2009
Mounir Fatmi, "Mehr Licht", 2009-2011
Mounir Fatmi, "Tête dure", 2006

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