Tea Questionnaire

So, huh, I stole this questionnaire from MarshalN’s Blog.

1) First, let’s start with how you were introduced & fell in love with the wonderful beverage of tea.

Introduction: Huh… well… I guess that came pretty natural. My mom and grandmother both drank/drink tea on an everyday basis. Mostly herbal teas. My mom also made hair rinses for me from camomille tea when I was younger.

Love: Probably when I was around 16, and went to the UK by myself for the first time. Became addicted to milk tea. After that, I went through a dangerous green tea phase with my love for Japan, and thus, cheap matcha blends. Ahem. Don’t imitate that, kids. Start with the good stuff!

2) What was the very first tea blend that you ever tried?

That must have been some herbal tea blend, coming from my loving hippie mom. 🙂

3) When did you start your tea blog & what was your hope for creating it?

I started this blog with the intention to randomly also chat about tea, in 2009. I did not disappoint myself- I rarely post, and of those few posts, a few are touching tea topics. Haha. Seriously, I should clean this up sometime, and also make some use of all those teacomentaries (domentary + tea + commentary, get it?) I collected offline& on facebook…

4) List one thing most rewarding about your blog & one thing most discouraging.

Rewarding: It’s… something.

Discouraging: It’s not really a feast on the eyes.

5) What type of tea are you most likely to be caught sipping on?

Hmm, most likely, as in: the kind of tea I drink most- would be herbal tea. Thanks mom!

6) Favourite tea latte to indulge in?

Oh god, this is awkward… yeah. CHEAP MATCHA LATTE. From Starbucks, of all chains. Also, I sometimes drink Sweetened Oolong Milk Bubble Tea. Heresy!

7) Favourite treat to pair with your tea?

Isn’t a good and rich tea treat enough?

8) If there was one place in the world that you could explore the tea culture at, where would it be & why?

I must say China/Taiwan, for I did not yet fully explore the tea culture there just yet.

9) Any tea time rituals you have that you’d like to share?

I do have certain cups/bowls I prefer, and will go at ridiculous lenghts to drink from especially those. I also enjoy to eat the wet tea leafs from teas I meet for the first time.

10) Time of day you enjoy drinking tea the most: Morning, Noon, Night or Anytime?

Anytime, really.

11) What’s one thing you wish for tea in the future?

Tea in general? I hope that it does not become as much of a fancy schmancy product as coffee became. I’m afraid of tea-chains opening up, I already detest the idea of those „individualize your tea blend“ webpages…

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