..not enough time on a single day

On my second day in Dublin Angelo and I explored the city. At first we tried to figure out the public transportation via bus, which was more diffucult than we expected it to be. We drove to the city centre were we saw „The Spire“.


From there we walked to the ministery district were we had a great view at „The Custom House“ and „The Ulster Bank“.


Standing on a small bridge that crosses the „River Liffey“ we were planning the rest of our day. Since we were really hungry we decided to go to the „Temple Bar“ district and order some delicious italien food.


After that, we picked up Toni and went to the famous „The Temple Bar“ in Temple Bar.The drinks were good but the prices not, but it was worth it.


I would have loved to see more of Dublin, but there was not enough time on a single day.

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