Belfast’s different

Hi there!

I guess if someone travels to an other country, it’s impossible to not compare the surroundings to your home country. That’s why I can say: Belfast is definitely different than Berlin. The left-hand driving aside, the first things I’ve noticed were some differences related to the traffic here in Belfast. First of all, the traffic lights here have 3 phases, one phase for each direction of motorized traffic and one phase whereby all pedestrian lights are green. I haven’t decided yet, if that’s a benefit, or not. Then, the most crossroads here have an extra area for bicyles, so if the green light goes on, the cyclists can start at first.

The next thing I’ve noticed were these kerbstones. Thanks to the high number of openings the possibility of a clogged drain is much lower. I think thats brilliant.

At the end one picture I made yesterday. „The irish weather is coming.“ And yes, it CAME! 🙁

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