Exploring Belfast

On Wednesday we again went to the language school. It was pretty interesting as we talked about regular illnesses and what you can do against them. Also we’ve been taught how to express emotions in sentences and had several talks with different people. After the school we’ve had 1 hour free time where we took our lunch and prepared for the walk to the „Crumlin Road Gaol“. Our walk started at the international house in the University Street and took about 30 minutes. It was quite interesting to see the other parts of the city, which I haven’t explored yet. We arrived around 2.30pm and the group consisted of several students from Spain, Germany and some locals which took also part of the tour. It took a few minutes and we were introduced to the history of the prison. The prison itself was a big complex where up to about 1.400 people were held in custody. Today the locals say it’s haunted and it is an akward feeling to access the ground floors after 0am. The guide was very kind and told us many facts about the past time. We also where shown photos of arrested persons. After one and a half hour the tour ended and we were taken to the entry again where our group split up. After a little walk to the city center we entered TK-Maxx which is a company where you can buy expensive clothing for reduced prices. I buyed some clothes and when we were finished we went to few another shops and strolled around the city. Around 5 o’clock we went back to our homes and enjoyed the evening.

Ein Gedanke zu „Exploring Belfast“

  1. Ihr habt also 2 Jahre Englisch in der Berufsschule.. und eigentlich auch Kurse vor der Abfahrt.. UM DANN wenn ihr in Irland seid, nochmal in einen Kurs zu gehen. HAMMER! xD Sonst klingt das alles sehr gut.. freut mich dass du gut angekommen bist 🙂 Weiterhin viel Spaß.

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