The last few days

I used the last few days to get to know Belfast a bit more.
Yesterday we went to the city while the first of 21 stages of the big cycle race Giro d’Italia was going down.
The streets were filled with people and it was like whole Belfast came out to see and to cheer the competitors.
Many stores were decorated in pink and the windows were full of pink cyclists. Since a few days there was a big stage
where you had the chance to see an entertainment program full of music, talks and other attractions.
After viewing the end of the race (with the German „Marcel Kittel“ as winner) Martin, Leo and me decided to go to the big Metro Tesco
in the city center. It was hard to find a way through the masses of the people but with a lot of scramble and some time we were able to reach before it closed.
After buying some groceries and taking a cab back home we had a nice evening with a few people we met in front of our flat.
They were musicians and went for an aftershow party to the club opposite to our home.
Tomorrow Eric, Max and me will have our first work day at Concentrix and we look forward to have a good and productive time there.
The company lately announced that they will create around 1.000 new jobs in Belfast so I think there is a plenty of work to do.

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