Social Life in Belfast

While exploring every corner of Belfast talking to other people is obviously a must do which turned out to be much better than expected. Most people just confront us because they heard a word of german and somehow become really interested finding out what we are doing so far away from home. This is often the start of a long lasting but still entertaining conversation which already paid out a couple of times. Not only are the people incredibly nice but you can really feel that they want to know your story and don´t have any bad intentions on their mind.

We met a really friendly lady called Jane who worked at the International House and was responsible for some of the social activities in the afternoon. One of the best experiences I had in the first week was our lesson in bodhran which is a traditional irish instrument really similar to a tamburine. Jane told us to come to one of the most famous pubs in belfast the „diry onion“ where we also met some other folks from the International House and started our lesson in bodhran drumming.
It was a lot of fun and after a while people even started dancing around us which made it even better. After some drinks and around 20 songs later we started our trip back to the apartment.

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