First day of work

Hello everybody!

Today Tim and I had our kinda first day at work. What do I mean? Yeah The first day we had were more like an introduction to the company itself and that was quite intresting. I forgot to say that I am now working for the IT Support at Concentrix. Concentrix provides phone, chat and mail support for other companies like Microsoft, EA and Kings(Candycrush) and just took of the customer support from IBM so they jumped from 6000 employees to 45000 employees and in the next month 1000 more will join them. Thats quite a number of people and of course those people need a place to work and I think that will be our job. I think we will set up the workplacements for most of the time and of course support the people who are currently working but what we acactly hove to do will us told tommorow, our first official first day at work where we going to meet our co-workers. I am looking forward to meet them. My first impression of the company is that those people are all nice and flexible and I hope my first impression wasn’t wrong. That’s what we will see tommorow.

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