The first four days went by

Hi there!

Right now is my fourth day at Steria Ltd. Meanwhile I’ve learned a good half of the names of my colleages, so it’s much easier to communicate with each other. 😀 The first day passed really fast, because the meeting lasts almost 3 hours. After that I was introduced to the daily check-up routines and the ticket system, which I couldn’t use, because I didn’t get web access with my laptop – more on that later. The next tasks were some warranty research for some hard drives for a NAS and the comparision of two config files. Afterwards we called IBM for the reference numbers of the hard drives, which we need for the warranty processing. Some minutes lates we’ve got a call from IBM again and it turned out, that IBM have made mistakes in 7 of our 8 warranty cases, so we need to correct the statements together. Yesterday I was on tour with Rick Browne for some field work. We went up to AMI (Asset Management Ireland Ltd), where we erased the hard drives with a strong electromagnet. Today we went down to Dungannon to restart a shut off NAS at the South Tyrone Hospital.

Just like the CharitĂ© IT team in Germany, where I’ve done my last internship, Steria supports hardware for hospitals, with the small difference that we only support X-ray computers, servers and network storage here – thank God.

Next, I will get an introduction of all the contracts of Steria. And for next week it is planned to let me test some new apps.

And now back to my web access problem. I have figured out that Skype is functioning all the time and only the web access is blocked sometime, so the next days I will try to find out which ports are blocked and which not.

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