Everyday life

My first week at Speechstorm is over and I am more than happy that my work there will not be a everyday task like changing keyboards or bringing a monitor from place a to place b and contribute to their product. Its amazing how everyone is so friendly and supportive and after just a few days I feel more than accepted, even more than that I feel like I am part of something big which will definitely change my view concerning small companies and their way of working.
I will try to define my work there in one of my next posts and show how a day at Speechstorm looks like.

We are in Belfast for quite some while now and I can certainly say that the daily tasks and troubles are more and more easy to handle. Being able to send groceries at home by ordering them online is still on the to-do list as we preferred taking a cab to one of the bigger Tesko stores.

Still I can´t believe how the people get a long when everything is so expensive in comparison to Germany but talking to random strangers on the street is helping a lot to understand their way of living.

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