My work experience: Thursday

Hi there guys!

Our third day was kinda like the second they you just have to switch the plaster part with cleaning out the hall on on the third floor. It was a mess! I have to say I never so so many I Mac cases at one place. We made a fun out of it and stacked them as high as we could. The task took a awfull lot of time.First we had to get everything out and then we have to put it back but better so that there is more place and then to put there even more stuff from the other floors. It took us the whole day to manage it but I am really proud of our final product. This day Tim and I decided to go to that mexican restaurant next to that Fish and Chips place. I got a Chilli Beef Burrito and it was really good!


That was my work experience for thursday! What happend at friday will you see in my next post!

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