Surprise surprise!

The last days passed very fast. I had to do a lot of work and my boss decided, that my workmate and I must develop a new network infrastructure in the next weeks. The reason is that the location is a new place of the company. The company has a functional network but he needs different subnetwoks for different functions. I also assembled a few PCs for customers with special requirements and wishes. I prefere such tasks, because I love to deal with hardware.

The warehouse is full of hardware and Peter(my boss) told me, that I can use every item that i need for my tasks. I found a lot of Cisco equipment which is in a good condition. I was suprised that I found such devices in a warehouse full of „old“ hardware. It is also a good training for me to configure Cisco routers and switches, because I am looking forward to pass the CCNA exam in a few weeks.

Who knows what I will find in the next days.

Your George.


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