The replacement of a smart array controller

Hi there!

Yap, yesterday was again a day of field work. Rick and I went to Antrim yesterday, to replace a smart array controller of an HP MSA array system. Antrim is one side of our storage cluster, so the absolute functionality is very important. The controller itselfs is just the size of a big book, but nonetheless the price is very high, so take care! Today I’ve studied some IPv6 configurations for our next Cisco exam and activated a few Windows OS’s of PACS computers. They are called NIPACS here, by the way. („NI“ stands for Northern Ireland) As far as I am informed our dear colleage Toni pays us a visit this weekend and that’s fitting well, because we cleaned our flat yesterday, or at least the floor, so we can show now, how tidy we are. 😎 No, seriously, actually we wanted to clean the floor, because Martin dropped… hmm, I don’t know, it’s been so long that I’ve forgotten what. Well, at least he finally cleaned it up.

So, let’s see what happens this weekend.

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