My work experience: Tuesday

Hello everyone!

Tuesday was my real first day at work because now we started to work. I am working together with Tim and Max from the FSZ 22 class. We met us at 8:50 at the main building from concentrix to get our security passes and you really need them there because you can’t open one door without using it. It took some time until we got our passes because they had much trouble at the moment but last but not least we got them. Then we went to the Lesley Exchange building, the place where we are going to work the most. There we met Peter, he is some sort of janitor but with much more tasks and responsebilties. Peter gave us our first job which was to set up a trainings room with PC, IP telephones and stuff like that. We thought that would be an easy task but we proofed wrong there. It was kind of a difficult job because so many parts where missing a lot of cables and some monitors. We had to scavange to whole building to find everything and it took us the whole week to find everything and that was the only thing we did that day.

What happened the next day can you see in my next post!

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