After Saturday comes Sunday

Hi there!

Yep, this weekend was truly a little bit of nothing, so let’s resume the last few days. At Thursday some of our German teachers visited us at our companies. They wanted to get an idea of our work placement and our tasks there, but the question, what I already have learned was quite funny. I was happy to know the names of all my new colleages. In the evening we met again at the Maddison pub/hotel/restaurant. The Maddison was known to my Irish colleages as pub for all the divorced mid-thirties womens, but actually it was quite nice (and without grannies). We had planned to go to the gym after our meeting, but we didn’t go. So we had planned to go at Friday after work, but my dear couch potatoes err roommates had found a new game for their smartphones and because of that, the Friday evening was another lazy evening. But finally at Saturday we went to the gym and afterwards to the city center for some shopping and browsing at the local market. And today was our BIG shopping day, we bought so much, that we even had to take a taxi for our way home. And now I’m looking forward to Tuesday, because we want to go to the cinema then.

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