1001 Goodbyes

The last 24 hours in Germany are quickly ticking by. As I’m writing this, there are actually not even 23 hours left until my flight leaves tomorrow. I am at my father’s house in the depths of Brandenburg, enjoying a preview of the weather in Ireland. It’s quite cold and the gray sky is weeping droplets if bittersweet goodbyes.

I feel… great! After the last couple of weeks of studying for the CCNA-exam, cleaning my apartment and meeting family and friends for „the last time“, today is the day I can just enjoy the peace and quiet, for there is nothing more I can do now but wait in happy expectation of what is to come.

As of now, I still have no idea where I will sleep for the next 2 months or where I’ll be working during that time. My only constant is Dublin and the EU-Office’s continuous affirmation that there will be someone picking us up from the airport. However, I am excited; excited and not afraid.

I am looking forward to meeting new and interesting people, to working with people, both users and colleagues, who appreciate what I’m doing as much as I will enjoy it and to seeing one of the most beautiful countries in the world.

Over the next two months I will write 3 times a week so stay tuned for the first blog entry out of Dublin – Ireland.


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