Soccer Soccer and more Soccer

Hey everyone,

today was a beautiful day. After my worktime I bought a few things for dinner, because I promised Paul that me and Jonas will do the dinner for today…german dinner of course.For the dinner I bought spareribs, potatos and onions. After that we went home to watch the Wolrd Cup game Germany versus Portugal. What a nice game i thought..4:0 for Germany. A very good start.

After the game was finished Jonas and me prepared the dinner. Dillons friend was visited us so we were six people. Afterwards the guys and I played soccer in the garden. Unfortunately the ball flew two times over the wall in the neighbours garden, but that has not stopped us..replacement ball 😉

Tomorrow we will go to a restaurant and eat Dublins famous chickenwings and watch other World Cup games. I am looking forward to it.

Yours George

Sunbathing and Soccer

Hello everyone,

the weekend passed very quick. I and my hostfamily watched the „Soccer World Cup 2014“ games and we speculated which team will be the winner. We decided the best team should be the winner..except England. Unfortunately there is no Irish team in the groups.
I also realized that a lot of Irish people go to the betting office and challenge their luck.


Actually we planned to go to the Irish east coast, but we deferred out trip to next Sunday because Ryan and Dillon worked the whole weekend. For that resaon we stayed at home and enjoyed the wonderful weather with drinks, snacks, music and more soccer games.

Along these lines..Cheers!