Your Experience Matters: A Study on Chinese Diplomats‘ Fan Culture

Minzhi Chen, a second-year PhD student at the Graduate School of East Asian Studies and the Faculty of History and Culture at Freie Universität Berlin, is conducting a study on the fan communities of Chinese celebrity diplomats. Supervised by Prof. Dr. Sabrina Habich-Sobiegalla, her research delves into the experiences of fans and their interactions with Chinese diplomats.

Recruitment Details:

  • Target participants: looking for approximately 40 individuals with a strong interest in Chinese diplomats.
  • Planned timing: interviews will be scheduled between May and August 2025. The interview will last approximately one hour, the date will be arranged according to your availability.
  • Interview mode: participants can choose between online or in-person interviews. For in-person interviews, you are free to choose the location you prefer.

Minzhi warmly invites you to participate in this study and share your unique experiences and insights! Your contributions will play a vital role in advancing her research, your support is greatly appreciated.

Here is her contact information. We warmly welcome your participation!

Phone/WeChat: +86 13025517821
Weibo: 666敏仔
Xiaohongshu: 敏仔MZ

我们的学生陈敏芝,目前是柏林自由大学东亚研究学院和历史文化学院的博士二年级学生。在萨布丽娜·哈比希-索比加拉教授(Prof. Dr. Sabrina Habich-Sobiegalla)的指导下,她的研究聚焦于中国“网红外交官”的粉丝群体。她正在为此研究寻找志愿者参与。本研究将重点探索中国外交官粉丝的独特经历和互动。


  • 目标参与者:计划招募约40名对中国外交官有浓厚兴趣的个人。
  • 计划时间:于2025年5月至8月进行,每次访谈约持续1小时,可根据您的时间灵活安排。
  • 访形式:您可选择线上或线下访谈。若选择线下访谈,地点将由您决定。




电话/微信:+86 13025517821



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