Practising Korean

Sentence: „Hello, I’m from Germany, I’m Sonia.“

FORMAL (Formal polite)
안녕하십니까? 독일에서 왔습니다, 저는Sonia입니다.
an-nyeong-ha-sib-ni-kka? dog-il e-seo was-sseub-ni-da, jeo-neun Sonia ib-ni-da.

FRIENDLY (Informal polite)
안녕하세요? 독일에서 왔어요, 저는Sonia해요.
an-nyeong-ha-se-yo? dog-il es-eo wass-eo-yo, jeo-neun Sonia hae-yo.

CASUAL (Informal non polite)
안녕? 독일에서 왔어, 나는Sonia이야.
an-nyeong? dog-il e-seo watsseo, na-neun Sonia i-ya.

안녕하십니까 an-nyeong-ha-sib-ni-kka (Formal polite)
안녕하세요 an-nyeong-ha-se-yo (Informal polite)
안녕 an-nyeong (Informal non polite) : Hello
Hanja/ Etymology: 安寧하다, 안녕하다 annyeonghada, “to be peaceful, well” (安寧 ānníng)

독일 dog-il : Germany

에서 e-seo : from

왔습니다 was-sseub-ni-da (Formal polite)
왔어요 wat-sseoyo (Informal polite)
왔어 watsseo (Informal non polite) : indicative past form of verb (오다 oda, to come)

저는 jeo-neun (Formal polite & Informal polite)
나는 na-neun (Informal non polite) : I, Me

입니다 ib-ni-da (Formal polite)
해요 hae-yo (Informal polite)
이야 i-ya (Informal non polite) : to be

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