Participants of the workshop “Urbanizing Rural China: Challenges of Rural Governance”
The project (in close cooperation with Jesper Zeuthen, University of Aalborg) organized a international workshop on “Urbanizing Rural China: Challenges of Rural Governance” on February 23-25, 2018, bringing together a wide range of experts from Europe, North America and Asia. Hosted at the Klitgaarden Refugium (a former royal summer residence) on the very northern tip of Denmark, the workshop was generously funded by the Danish Social Science Research Council.
Following the workshop, the participants decided to form a research network for further exchange on the modernization of rural China (“Modernizing Rural China“). Scholars interested to join the network are cordially invited to contact Elena Meyer-Clement, René Trappel or Jesper Zeuthen. Furthermore, the participants agreed to pursue a special issue with contributions of the workshop.
Update: A conference report was published in ASIEN – The German Journal on Contemporary Asia, No. 147 (April 2018). The report can be found here.
Update: The special issue will appear in China Information, Vol. 34, No. 2, 2020.
(Photo credits: René Trappel)