Our Last Few Days In Wroclaw

Hi everyone! I’m back in Berlin now, and I want to share what happened in our final days of the trip.

On Thursday we had English class again in the morning. We played more language learning games and gave a presentation on how we’d plan a different language learning trip. We also took a test at the end of the lesson. Later, we went to a Georgian restaurant. The food was really good.

On Friday we visited another company, Nokia, where they showed us their technology. It was interesting to see. Back at Basecamp, we said goodbye to George and Anna, our teacher and coordinator. We gave them flowers to thank them for a great two weeks. It was sad to say goodbye, but we were glad that they were surprised and happy with flowers we gifted them. We then checked out some universities and spent our last evening walking around the old city and drinking a few beers at bars with my colleagues.

On Saturday it was time to pack up and head to the bus station. Leaving the city was bittersweet because of all the good times we had. The bus ride to Berlin went by fast, and before we knew it, we were back home.

These two weeks were amazing. I had a great time with my colleagues. I’m really glad I got to experience Wroclaw. Thanks for following along!

See you on the next adventure!

Bye Bye Breslau :(

The past few days here in Wroclaw have been nothing short of incredible! It feels like we just unpacked our bags, and yet time has flown by so quickly.

We’ve had the pleasure of visiting many fascinating companies and gaining insights into their operations. From informative presentations to inspiring conversations with employees, we’ve learned a great deal and gained valuable perspectives.

After we handed over our small goodbye-gifts to Anna and Giorgi, we bid Friday farewell with a final round of bar hopping. It was a night filled with laughter, memories, and unforgettable moments with my amusing colleagues.

On Saturday, it was time to say goodbye to this wonderful city. I’ll truly miss Wroclaw and can hardly believe how fast the two weeks have passed. It’s been an incredible journey that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed.

Wroclaw has now earned a special place in my heart and definitely ranks among my favorite cities! Farewell, Wroclaw <3