Jonas – half full, half empty

Hi there,

those who have a calender might have already noticed: it’s half time and a lot of stuff happened already.

What happened last weekend? We made a trip through Ireland – and we didn’t know Mateusz could mobilize the lazy Belfast guys too. However our trip was much better. Unfortunately the other guys are really slow when they have to share pictures and stuff.

Well actually the two tours are not compareable through we went through the south and traveled four days^^.  Let’s say we traveled through the whole Irish Island together.

I will write more about our travels when I have the pictures and videos collected.

At work I am doing the same stuff as always – searching the net drives for suitable pictures for our website, editing them and loading them to the ftp server. I do not put the pages online, because my supervisor has to check them first(language, CD and so on).

Additionally I finally received my packet from Germany containing the letter with the confirmation of the host organisation.

Be prepared for more


Ein Gedanke zu „Jonas – half full, half empty“

  1. What do you mean with lazy Belfast guys?
    don’t put me in the some pot like the other, got that? ^^

    In future you have to write: „the lazy Belfast guys and the awesome Paul“
    thanks 😀

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