First Week done

Hey there, long time no see.
Yeah, the first week is over and what shall I say. Nothing has changed. Besides working. I work in a little company called ebamma which is going to be an online elearning platform for spanish and chinese people. Our task at the moment are to do statistcs of the social network profiles of ebamma and put them in a daily report. Next month we are going to launch a campaign. I didn’t take pictures because we work at the house of our boss. The house is in a little residential area so nowhere to go get warm food for lunch. The apartment is still empty. The janitor didnt show up to get the freezer or tv fixed either. I dont know what to tell you more. Not that many exciting things happened to me. So i’ll just call it a day. Enjoy your sunday



Friday was a very busy work day. First I had to present my ideas for the website and after the presentation I spent more time for seo. After the lunch every colleague had to help to prepare the rooms for the big sell on saturday.

After the work our flat mate showed us the night life of Dublin.

Yesterday I was shopping at the dundrum town center ( This is a realy large shopping center with many shops.


Jonas Ehrhardt – first week survived

Hi there Germans,

how are things in Germany? On friday I went to work. It was the first day with my boss at the office(he had an important meeting in the UK). I got my keycard and some further instructions. Then I visited every subsite of searching for mistakes – and I found many about 3 pages on MSWord and I am still not finished. Furthermore I got the task to design some customised flyers(most work is already done). But I delayed this task to next week cause an important collegue was not here today. After work i waited about one whole hour for the bus so when I came work I was in a really bad mood(sorry everyone who had to suffer).

„Jonas Ehrhardt – first week survived“ weiterlesen

The first days

Hi @ all how is going?

The „new live“ for 2 month in Ireland started with the bus tour to the lad lane apartments.

The first task was to find a shop to buy something to food, to drink and to clean up.

At tuesday I was looking up my bus station. First it was a little bit difficult to understand the timetable but now it is easy.

I work with Oliver Knabe (apprentice from Strato) in the same company.

The topic of the first work day from the company doo-lally was to understand their tasks. The company sell clothing, shoes and accessories.

Today i got my first little project. I got a close look to the website and I geathered some ideas to improve the website. We have to improve our knowledge about seo (search engine optimization) and to work out how the company can improve their ranking at a search engine.

Cya Patty

Jonas Ehrhardt – First Day @ work

Hi people in Germany, Northern Ireland or wherever you are,

hereby I am the first to report about my internship in Ireland. My company is Hager Limited which is a branch of Hager Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG in Germany.

The company is located near the Dublin Airport so I have to stay up 2.5hours before work begins(I have flexible working hours). The bus doesn’t have an announcement system so I missed my stop and got lost. So I just called my supervisor and we found out that I was less than 100meters away from my destination.

First of all it is a small branch with about 15 employees(including teleworkers) but there are only 4 here at the moment. My task is to update the web page ( First I have to read through a lot of IT Rules and the Masterbrand Guide(how to use the CMS). However when I read the web page closely I don’t fear lack of work…

I look forward to hear/read of others working experiences

Greetings Jonas

Jonas Ehrhardt – first lifesigns


we arrived in Dublin with about one hour delay. I share my room with Florian a good friend of mine and my appartment with two girls. We haven’t talked much because they are not at home very often. We checked different stores and bought everything we need to survive the weekend. Yesterday evening we  sat in a pub and were listening to a live performance of a local band. Everyone had his/her first Irish beer (or cola^^).

Our Appartment is quite dirty but we cleaned the kitchen today and checked what is missing. After that we visited St Stevens Green Park and Grafton Street.

Tomorrow we will meet Laura at Swan. I hope we will make great experiences in Dublin and learn alot about language and culture.


Das Auslandspraktikum

Mit der Entsendung von auszubildenden FachinformatikerInnen in ein Auslandspraktikum setzt der afib (Ausbildungsverbund Fachinformatik Berlin) eine Tradition fort: 14 afib-Azubis des Lehrjahres 2009 sind Teil einer Gruppe von ca. 30 Auszubildenden, die ab April 2011 einen achtwöchigen Auslandsaufenthalt in Irland verbringen werden.


Der afib hatte bereits im Jahr 2008 in enger Kooperation mit dem Oberstufenzentrum für Informations- und Medizintechnik (OSZ IMT), der Firma STRATO, der Deutschen Telekom und dem Institut für lebenslanges Lernen in Europa (ILE-Berlin) das Projekt “Europaerfahrung für Azubis in IT-Berufen“ (E-FAIT) initiiert und 14 Fachinformatik-Auszubildende nach Irland entsandt.

Auch das diesjährige Projekt „Training European Competences for IT-Professionals“ (TEC-IT) wird im Rahmen der Mobilitäts-Maßnahme des EU-Bildungsprogramms LEONARDO DA VINCI durchgeführt, welches u.a. Vermittlungs- und Austauschprojekte für Personen in der beruflichen Erstausbildung fördert. Ziel der Maßnahme ist die „Förderung der grenzüberschreitenden Mobilität von Menschen in Berufsausbildung, insbesondere jungen Menschen“.
Unseren Auszubildenden ermöglicht das Auslandspraktikum, ihre Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten im konkreten Arbeitsumfeld zu erproben und zu erweitern.

Durch die Begegnung mit Menschen aus anderen Ländern können sie ihre so genannten Schlüsselqualifikationen erweitern – beispielsweise Kommunikations- und Kooperationsfähigkeit, Toleranz, Offenheit, Anpassungsfähigkeit und Kenntnisse über andere Lebensweisen. Diese Zusatzqualifizierung ermöglicht bei späteren Bewerbungen einen leichteren Einstieg in den regionalen, nationalen oder internationalen Arbeitsmarkt.
Eine weitere Qualifizierung erwartet die Irland-Besucher bei deren Rückkehr. Sie erhalten nach einer Prüfung ihrer Englischkenntnisse das europaweit anerkannte telc-Sprachenzertifikat.

In diesem Webtagebuch berichten die „Irland-Azubis“ regelmäßig über deren berufliche, als aich privaten Erfahrungen und Erlebnisse während des Auslandspraktikums.