Some impressions of the flight

Hi there!

Yeah, how shall I begin? First of all, I guess we all are arrived fit and healthy. We started in Berlin Schoenefeld with a delay of 10 minutes but reached the cost of Denmark already quite precisely after an hour, so that was no problem. The Aer Lingus machine was quite small, so even I, whose last flight was 4 or 5 years ago, can say that you feel every single air-hole with a small plain, at least at the start and the landing. But all in all the flight was nice, a bit warm, but the stewardesses were really friendly. Sometimes I wished to have my telephoto with me to study some oil rigs and ships on the ocean.

But there were also some mysterries. Sometimes the clouds looked like they would form a straigt line. I would speculate that this were the shadows of some upper jet trails. Maybe one of our readers know that phenomenon. I am looking forward to see your ideas in the comments. 😉

Regards Nick.

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