Giro d’Italia

Hi everybody!

Today we had our last day at school. We started as always at 9:00 am and in the first lesson we learned about wishes and regrets and where do you it and in which forms. That lesson was over really fast and we went to the break. In the second lesson we got a new teacher because our other teacher Gale was sick that day. In this lesson we had multiple texts with multiple headlines und cover pictures which we had to match correctly. The time went by really quick like the other one before and leo and I went down to get our certificate. He got his certificate for the C1 level and I for B2 and I dont really understand it because we where in the same course. However I am still lucky that I got it.

Then right after school Leo, Martin and I decided to go to the city center to watch the Giro d’Italia but there was nothing because there were still in the preparation. So we split up, Leo and Martin went to the city court and I went through the street looking for some nice shops and I founds one. The shop is called „Forbidden Planet“ and is full with comic and cartoon stuff. I spend like an hour in there and looked at all the stuff they had. Now I can call a parody book of the brony fandom, a card game and a BMO plushie mine. Tomorrow I will go there again because I am going to meet a guy here from Belfast to watch some cartoons togehter and have a little chat.


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