Giants Causeway and a few more stops

Today Nick, Maria and I decided to do a little bit of sightseeing and bought a tour to Dunluce Castle, Giants Causeway, Carrick-a-Rede and our last stop was a nice little beach.
Our tour started at 9am, the bus picked us up at our language school, afterwards we went on and picked up a few more guys before we headed to the Dunluce Castle.
It took as about an hour and a half to reach our first stop Dunluce Castle. The weather at that point was very bad, it was raining during our drive to the castle and our stay there.
We stayed at the castle for about 20 minutes before we had to leave.

After we all gathered at the bus we headed towards Giants Causeway. It took us another 30 minutes to reach it. We stayed there for about 1hour 45minutes. Luckily the weather got better and it stopped to rain, besides a few minutes of rain every now and then. Even the sun came out and it stayed like that for the rest of our tour. The view is just amazing.

Our next stop was Carrick-a-Rede, it took us maybe 20minutes to reach it. Our driver dropped us out and told us that we got 1hr 15minutes before we have to leave. So we made our way to the bridge it took us 30 minutes from the parking lot to the bridge itself. The view during our walk to the bridge just amazing the weather was perfect, only a few clouds and sunshine.

Our last stop was the beach where we spend another 20 minutes which we (Nick, Maria and I) used to get some lunch and just relaxing from our journey. We made our way back to Belfast along the coastline which took us approximately 2hr.

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