The internship has started

Hey everyone,

the last days were very nice and the time passed away quickly. On Saturday, Pauls family was here for afternoon coffee, cake and dinner. We talked a lot about Ireland, Germany, culture in both countrys and the first experiences that I have collected in Dublin. The people here in Dublin are more comfortable and more polite than the people in Berlin. Maybe that is because the city is much smaller as well as the population.

Monday was my first day at work. I am very glad to have the opportunity to work here in the „Computer Factory“. We had a warm welcome.

First Joe showed us the area and on which places we will work during the next 7 weeks.
He defeated us in billiard and told us what he has done in his whole career.

And it was a lot of fun.

Today we cleaned some PCs and Christopher and I chose one for our WSUS update server.
We upgraded the amount of the RAM so that the server will have enough resources for challenging tasks.


We installed „Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2“ from a disk for a temporary test environment.
Christopher installed the Windows Server Update Services role, because we decided that he will
manage the WSUS server and i will try to install a PXE installation server.
Besides that, we got some information from the internet about the server roles.

  I am looking forward to have a wunderful time in my internship.

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