First two days at work

Yesterday was my first day at Kedington NI a company that offers ICT solutions like
structured cabling, VOIP, intelligent lighting and UPS.
I started my work at 8:30am, I was greeted by a nice guy called Mark.
He showed me my workplace and told me to sit down for a few minutes, until Hans arrives who would take care of me for today.
A couple of minutes later Hans arrived, showed me around and introduced me to the few people that were here today.
All of my co-worker that I met so far are very nice and kind.
On monday Hans introduced me to his tasks, he is the Managment Accountant, he takes care about all the finances here at KNI.
I haven’t got much informations about my tasks so far but I’ve met Lawrence today who gave me a few more informations about my tasks.
Steven another co-worker gave me a brief overview on intelligent lighting what it means, what you can do and how much money you can save.
Tomorrow I’m going with Lawrence to a costumer, to collect some data about the intelligent lighting that they put up there.

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