Friday on Concentrix

On Friday Peter took me over to the Concentrix branch in inner Belfast. We’ve had loads of work
to do there and he arranged a meeting with Marc from the Technology department of the firm,
so that they could get us to know better. We’ve talked about my background and what’s
the stuff I usually work on in Germany. Marc was very kind and told me that he will talk
to David who’s the leader of the helpdesk and development part of the Tech. Dep. so that we
can get some more IT related tasks. When I finished talking to the people Peter took me around the building and we decorated some walls with the firm principles, world maps and clocks.

After a short lunch break which I took in a nice Greece restaurant which offered meals for cheap prices, we had to relocate some lockers into other floors so that people can store their valuables safely. The firm has got a hot desk principle which means that one usually never stays at one desk
for longer then one day, you can log in and start working wherever you are. In the afternoon
we had to clean up a room on the first floor and when we’ve finished Peter took me back to the Lesley Exchange building to meet up with Eric and Max. All in all my first week on Concentrix was okay. We hope to get some different tasks soon, but David will call us back during the next week so lets see what we can expect for the next time.

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