3rd week

This week Eric, Max and me finally managed to get more IT-related worktasks. We were introduced into the 1st and 2nd level support helpdesk in the firm. The Tech Department consists of many people which are given tasks between programming and supporting of the employees. There’s plenty of work to do since the different branches in NI keep over 1000 employed and there are more PC’s then persons in the buildings. There are Linux, Windows and Mac Operating systems which will make the work for us even more interesting. The last few days we had to move PCs from one place to another and keep the workplaces in an operating state. We also had to tidy up a storage-room which had caused some trouble because some people were not okay with it, but Peter managed it to reconcile the problems. All in all we’re looking forward to a few exciting weeks but until now I really enjoyed my stay in Belfast.

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