Thursday the 22th

Hello everyone,

the halfway is nearly taken and I got a project on my own from my workplacement. need to configure a test environment with Windows Server 2012 R2 and install the Data Protection Manager in conjuntion with a SQL Database Server. After finishing the initial setup I have to create a Backup scheme and I have to migrate Windows XP PCs to Windows 7 and also there’s a lot of other work to do.
My supervisor showed me a program which I never heard of before. It’s called HBCD and it’s very useful. It boots into a live Windows XP or Windows 7system and enables you to create an image of a HDD and play it back. It also includes loads of other useful tools and features.
The project is quite difficult, but I’m sure I can manage it.
The other people in my workplacement currently install a PXE-Server for the PCs which will be migrated soon.


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