Crazy Tuesday

Hi there!

Yeah, actually this week was kinda boring until now, because the colleage who should introduce me into my project is still not here. But it seems that the project will keep me occupied for some weeks, so I’m looking forward for some interesting stuff. The last few days I’ve tried to improve my English skills with some Duolingo tasks which had been recommended by a befriended developer from Germany. Today I will be on tour again for some field work. And for those of you who are surprised at my title: The most cinemas here have a cinema day on Tuesday and at the Movie House on Dublin Road these days are called „Crazy Tuesdays“. Every movie costs only 3 £ for everyone, so of course we used this day to watch a movie. We’ve watched „Bad Neighbours“ which was really funny. Only the end could have been better. And next week we want to watch the new Godzilla movie but this time in 3D.

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