internet conncection in our flat

My weekend was pretty relaxed and I had time to set up my livestream which worked better than intended. I will stream from now and then in a kind of internet radio which definitley will keep me busy for a while. Although our internet connection is kind of unstable it was a reason to set up my own private wifi. This worked for some while but the setup here is more than outdated. It seems like the one router operating at the bottom of this building is repeating the signal to floor one which will then again be repeated to floor two and so on… As we are living on the fourth floor it is definitley part of the problem and I am trying to reach out to our landlord next week to offer him my help setting up a more stable enviroment. Also I made a little trip to the city centre with the help of my bike to explore some parts of Belfast I didn’t see yet which really was interesting as I discovered a huge shopping mall which I didn’t hear about yet.

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