My trip to another part of the city

Yesterday I went to the Bloomfield Commercial Centre for shopping purposes, it is something like a big complex of firms which are offering all kinds of products. But the way to there was some kind of an odyssey. In my opinion the bus system in Belfast is really confusing. Usually there are (at least on the more frequented stops) two or more stops in the same row which are about 10 – 30m away from each other and where different busses are departing. And in addition to that (if you have managed to take the correct bus) there are no announces at which stop you currently arrive so without local knowledge and a mobile battery which is dying out you are pretty much lost. After exiting at the wrong stop and a few talks with locals who have pointed me in the right direction I’ve managed to arrive in the center. The terrain is really big and at all I think it’s bigger then everything related I’ve seen in Germany yet. I went to the Tesco, Maplin, a pretty big one-pound Store and a few shops in the main centre it self. After spending a few hours and a lot more money I started my way back home with a full bagpack and few shopping bags. All in all it’s pretty interesting to see how big Belfast really is. There is a lot of suburban area and outskirts around the main city itself, some nicer ones and some not so nice but there is definitly a lot to see.

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