Thursday the 29th

Hello everyone,

today I had a really exciting day at work.
Marco, Graham and I drove to a sub-office and they restore a lot of pictures and other things there so that they survive the next years and more people can see them in the museum.
In this building they store a lot of machines, pictures, statues, models and heads from dead animals and one Windows Server for all(Printserver,DHCP,DNS ….)
It is a very interesting place and Graham gave us a short tour through the building.
On all doors there is a security lock and you can only enter with a card but I thinks that should be okay because the store very old pictures which can not be replaced.
Marco and I had to add new Printer to the Printserver with the correct driver, I installed printers on the users PCs and should replace some XP maschines with Windows 7 maschines.
At lunch Graham drove with us to a Burgershop and this burger are really great but i missed to make a picture.


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