celebrating birth day with our spanish neighbours

Yesterday one of our spanish neighbours was celebrating is 30th birtday and we all gathered in his apartment to have a nice cup of hot tea combined with tradiontal spanish food which was made really well made and was delicious. After having long lasting discussion about the culuture differences and the ongoing developemnt in our home countries we went to a local pub which also a kind of gambling center. We had an awesome time everyone was really friendly and we definitley made some new friends here. Today I took the cab to the International Airport of Belfast setting up my contract with the car rental which in the end was refused due my lack of a Visa card. Still I wasn’t going to give up and I made a new appointment for tommorow, this time equipped with a Visa card. Our plan is to follow up the coast and see all the nice places we already heared about. Finally we are going to wittness the true nature of the green country.

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